Family Visa to the U.K.

IMPORTANT: If there is a possible relationship forming we strongly suggest you keep all the documents related to your relationship (including your correspondence) and to your in-person meeting (including your photos together).

Whether you choose to get married in the U.K. or outside the U.K., your lady will need a ‘family of a settled person’ visa to join you in the U.K. for 6 months and more as your fiancee or spouse.

You should:

- be a British citizen
- have settled in the UK

How long it takes

You should get a decision on the visa within 12 weeks.

A Family visa costs £956 GBP as charged by the British government. The Return Courier Service of extra £30 GBP allows applicants to have their passport returned to them by express courier at the end of the application process and save the travel cost for making a second trip to one of the locations: Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don. Additionally, you may need to pay a healthcare surcharge (called the 'immigration health surcharge' or IHS) as part of the immigration application (£200 per year, and dependants usually need to pay the same amount as the main applicant).

Four most important requirements are:

- you must prove that you or your lady can support and accommodate herself and her any dependent children while in the UK, or you and/or she meet the financial requirement (under certain circumstances, your income and her finances, for example, cash savings, can be combined to meet the financial requirement) and will have an adequate place to live in the UK;

- you must prove that your lady has an adequate knowledge of English (before submitting the visa application, your lady is required to pass an approved English language test with at least CEFR level A1 in speaking and listening – which is the easiest level and should take no effort). However, scheduling the exam and obtaining the exam result require a certain amount of time;

- you must prove that you plan to marry within 6 months of your lady's arriving in the UK (in case you are engaged to be married in the UK)

- your lady will need to have her fingerprints and photograph (known as ‘biometric information’) taken at a visa application centre in either Moscow or St. Petersburg (or Ekaterinburg, or Rostov on Don or Novosibirsk) as part of her application.

We help in completing this VISA package and other forms and documents for your visa application submission. Our Russian office will translate required documentation of your lady including birth certificate, marriage/divorce certificate (if applicable), other legal documentation as necessary to complete the application forms, including the online form, and will help book your lady's appointment. The Russian Office Manager will provide certified letters stating her qualifications for translating these documents (required for submission).

The cost for this service is $500

You can order our UK Family Visa Support service here

Wedding outside the U.K.:

Couples planning on having a wedding ceremony in Russia or elsewhere may require documents and translations where our Russian office may be able to assist.


Please contact us

with your questions or concerns

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